Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Holiday destinations from the UK and Ireland-Pie charts

These two pie charts illustrate where people who live in the United Kingdom and Ireland spent their vacations in 2006. Each graph is divided into six categories. Most people selected France as a first choice.

First, British tourists prefer France more than other countries. About 32% of British people visited France. Spain had second place after France. Only four percent less than percentage of France. Next countries include Germany and Italy. These countries represent half as (14%) much as Spain (28%). Poland and Belgium were ranked as lowest preferable countries.

The second pie chart was for Irish vacationer. Same of British people France was a likeable place for them. Italy was the next direction after France for Irish holidaymakers. Approximately Italy was only one step (24%) behind France (25%). Germany and Spain were between 15% and 20%. Which they were in the middle of the Irish choice. Regarding the Irish who like to travel. Belgium and Poland least popular than other countries for Irish people.

Both British people and Irish people visited France as the best option on the European continent.

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