Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Leisure Products (Pie Chart)

These two pie charts show the amount of money people spend by different age groups on products for their free time in the United Kingdom. Where each chart divided into six categories.The electronic equipment presents the most notable factor on these pie charts.

Both age groups spend the biggest proportion on electronic goods. The young group spends 41% of their money whereas the older group spend 38% only. The second biggest amount is spent was with books and magazines. However, the older people spend almost twice as much (28%) as younger people (16%). The reverse is true in the gardening category-the younger consumers spend half as much (7%) as older consumers (16%). Regarding sports equipment, the younger people spend four times more than older people. Photography equipment has exactly the same amount of percentage between the two groups. Both groups spend the amount of money on photogaphy

To conclude, both age groups spend most of their money money the most on buying electronic devices.

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